Spring 2021
You know what I love about spring?
She is such a flirt
These days of early March with balmy winds
The snow and salt crust of the city melt
The monotony of brown grey seem like
They are on the precipice of green
Tender shoots
New cycle
What are you creating?
Which seeds are you planting?
What are you calling in?
There will still be some
Cocooning, metamorphosis
Never ending blossoming
In this web of connectivity
Let’s co create
Prep the fertile lands
By clearing out the debris from last year, and any other history that lingers
Which is only holding you back
Pulling you down
Liberate the hooks
Give that energy back to the earth, to the person it belongs to, to the cycles of nourishment: compost
The blessing of your human body
This intricate instrument of perception
Of action and intention
What is your edge?
Where do you find challenge,
The kind that lifts you to your toes
Tips some wobble into your balance
Today, gratitude
I went for a run, for the first time in 8 months
I had to subtract it from My tool kit
Due to an injury that was gifted to me
I learned to slow down
I’m not the best at it
Not the fastest
I’m not a gazelle
But there is something tremendously human
My heart pumping, feet drumming the earth
Feeling nature in my lungs and the elements on my skin
Noticing, how the landscape shifts
Corner to corner
Day to day
Season through micro season
I constantly find edges to navigate
In my capacity and will
Where are your edges?
Another edge
Is savasana
Corpse pose, the culmination of physical asana practice, where who you were dies
Stillness is integration
A pause, repose, cellularly downloading and uploading all that was released, processed, revealed
This is the piece my mind wants to skip
But my spirit
Drinks like nectar
The battle inside
The negotiation, to still
It gives us space to listen and feel
Which can be scary or triggering
Even defeating, with the winds of the mind whirring
That’s the practice
To come back, everyday,
without judgement or attachment
With discipline that in a magic moment after some time, transmutes into devotion
What are your edges, the burn in muscles which forgot how it felt to move
The deep grasping of scarcity
The chasm of loneliness
The suffocation of cohabitation
The paralyzation of fear
We are all meeting our edges
I see you
I feel you
We need you
Let spring lift you
Grab onto as many of those warm sun beams
Stuff ‘Em into your heart
Stuff ‘Em into your wings
Let them help carry you on heavier days
Collect tools for your tool kit
Make your climb more skillful
More efficient and elegant
Lighten the load of your back pack...
Do you need to carry that with you?
We have a big journey ahead
Welcome to
The uphill club
The vistas just keep getting better
The valleys deeper
The skies
Are not a limit
Let’s go
smiles for miles